The mission of LEAD is to train teachers to provide remediation for children or adults who have been identified with dyslexia or a related disorder. The Diagnostic Center for Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities provides quality evaluation services to help individuals, families, and educators understand and successfully manage possible learning differences.
Making a Difference
LEAD teacher training provides a research-based approach to teaching literacy skills and the training includes instruction in phonological awareness, alphabetic principle, reading (decoding), fluency, reading comprehension, cursive handwriting, spelling, grammar, oral expression and written composition.
“LEAD is making significant contributions to literacy…LEAD emphasizes all the major needs”
Comments from past students and administrators:
"This was the most relaxed, yet intense training I’ve ever had."
"Why didn’t I learn this in graduate school?"
"We now refer our teachers to LEAD, not only because the academic language therapy instruction is organized, efficient, effective and comprehensive, but also because of the on-site teacher/student supervision."